Art Show & Sale:
January 3rd through March 22nd
"In Praise of Patterns"
Featured Artists:
Walter Beeler, Harleen Osburn, Steven Elliott
"On the Road Again" by Walter Beeler
"Annie's Girl" by Harleen Osburn
"Mardi Gras" by Steven Elliott
In Their Own Words
Walter Beeler:
"Inspired by artists like Aubrey Beardsly, I draw with
pen and ink to bring out the white and black spaces that strip away distracting detail and provide a serenity to the drawing. I add areas of subtle watercolor to expand emotional overtones of the drawing, letting the light of the white paper and the ink lines show through for a visual effect unlike any other media."
Harleen Osburn:
"I focus primarily on the realistic depiction of the figure,
nature, and folklore. I enjoy the gathering, pruning, and gluing together that is life, that is art. I believe we find things, things find us, and we make choices and alterations until we can find a whole. a solution that we can live with, find joy in and we see as beautiful. Life and art, always a work in progress."
Steve Elliott:
"I am drawn to photography because of its immediacy.
A photograph speaks for itself. You make of it what you will. I do not work in a studio. I simply photograph what's already designed by the Genius of nature and revealed by light. I frame the photograph and step out of the way and invite you to witness a moment through my eyes, bringing us together, and that is a truly beautiful thing."
Meet and visit with the artists at the Orland Art Center Gallery Artists Reception: Friday, January 3rd, from 3 to 7 p.m.
This exhibit runs from January 3rd through March 22nd